Keyword Research & Analysis: Analysis of a website is the first process of SEO On Page Optimization. After Analysis of a website you can research keywords. For researching keywords you can use various keyword tools available on the internet. Some of keywords tools are free and some are paid. One of the most important keyword tool is Google Adwords Keyword Tool. To check performance of a keyword you can choose various keyword tools like Google AdWords keyword tool.
For Example:- If I have website related to travel then first of all I will analysis the website. I will check the following important terms
1. What is the content ?
2. How much content on the home page ?
3. Is Website using H1 or H2 Tags ?
4. Any Image Optimization ?
5. URL Optimization done or Not ?
Above are the basic steps for analysis of website.
After that I will use Keyword Analysis with the help of Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Some other Keyword Tools.
1. Keywordspy
2. Keyword Discovery
3. Wordtracker
4. Compete
5. NicheBot
Terms Related to On-page optimization
Meta Tags Creation (Title & Description) - Meta tag creation is an important step towards your webpage optimization process. A website with well formatted Meta's has more chances to gain high SERP (Search Engine Result Page) ranking.
An Example of How to Make Meta Tags
Long Tail Keywords - Long Tail Keywords are helpful for your webpage. Because you can easily get ranking in search engine by the use if long tail keywords on you webpage.
For example - If you are going to optimize your website and you choose keyword like “Software Development” then it is very time consuming and difficult for you to get ranking with keyword “Software Development”. In the place of software if you take Custom Software Application Development chances of being rank high on search engine listing is more. So for a new website always try to take selection of long tail keywords.
Keyword Density - Keyword density is the percentage of your keyword or phrase repeated on a webpage. It is a ratio compared with the other keywords on webpage.
Anchor Tag Keywords ot Internal Linking - Always take your site target keywords for anchor tags. This helps you a lot for indexing with search engine for your target keywords. But thing to remember is that use of anchor text looking natural in webpage text is necessary. Anchor text suitable for Internal Linking of your website.
H1, H2, Bold Tags If required - Use of H1, H2, Bold tags on a webpage also an important term highlight you keywords and anchor text by these tags for better visibility.
URL Optimization - URL optimization is a process in which you can use your website main keyword in URL.
Robots.txt File - A text file is for giving instructions to search engine crawler about what to crawl from a webpage.
Implementation of 301 redirect - You can use 301 redirection file with help of .htaccess file.
Notepad Sitemap - Create sitemap of your website and place all links of your website in it.
For more details visit SEO Services